November 5, 2011

Nightly Queer Fix - Google+ Influential LGBT List In The Works

Dan Levelle, a passionate founder of Equalitopia & BookMaid, is asking for help to assemble a list of LGBT influential people on Google+.

Dan call to action on G+ reads:

"Who are the influential LGBT people on Google+?

I'm creating a list of influential lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people on Google+. Who are some people I should include?

I'm looking for people who have influence on Google+ (or in real life and are active on Google+), and post interesting content that (at least sometimes) includes LGBT related content. This Circle will exclude people who primarily post in other languages and people who commonly post NSFW content."

Are you on Google+? If not you don't need an invite anymore to become a member. Sign up now Google+


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