June 14, 2011

Orally Yours - Tracy Morgan Now Supports the Gays! Fool Me Once Tracy Shame on You, But Fool Me Twice? Let's Think About It...

I remember when President Obama was running for office. His campaign said at first he didn't support the Gays. Then at the last quarter of the Electoral race he 'miraculously' became our friends! Pro Gay this and that... Obama has done some interesting things since he's been in office for the GBLTQ community. Like the "ItGetsBetter.gov" site and video. Uhm, what else has he done? Oh, oh, right this is about Tracey Morgan... well all I have to say about Tracy's latest apology and how he admitted to being bullied as a kid, oh and his father dying of AIDS and believing children shouldn't be bullied or stabbed for being gay is not okay. He's Okay with us folks... yeah, honestly.

Reading the Huffintonpost.com article about Tracy aligning forces with GLAD to fight for Gay Marriage Equality was very smart. Hmmm... is his agent Gay? Will Tracy also make films where he plays a role of a homosexual (not Transgender)? I am so tired of the media playing the audience after they screw us over for our attention or money. I am not buying this. At all. I haven't even heard one word on video or audio where he takes full responsibility and accounts for his hate rant at his show in Nashville, Tennessee on June 3rd, 2011.

Until people in the media starts to act and talk like everyday life true heart felt humans and become accountable for presenting the truth and mindful actions it will continue to be a Circus Affair. Shame on me if I give Tracy Morgan or others who fall in suit a pass on their unforgettable actions and words.

Orally yours,


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