June 21, 2011

Orally Yours - Tribute to Fred Martinez Jr.

"In 2001, 16-year-old Fred Martinez was brutally murdered near his hometown of Cortez, Colorado. He was poor, Navajo, and transgendered – a girl in a boy’s body. Fred was blessed to have grown up with the cultural belief there are four genders, not only male and female but mixed identities like his. Among his own people, he was accepted as nádleehí, a word that means “one who constantly transforms” in the Navajo language; it connotes a spiritual and sexual being who is also known to and honored by other Native American cultures as a “two-spirit person.” The traditional roles of such people have included healing, mediation, and the parenting of orphans. The tragedy of Fred’s life, however, is that also he grew up in small-town America, where far narrower views of both ethnicity and gender ultimately proved fatal to him."

Source: denverfilm.org

We here at Oral Fix came to know Fred's story through the documentary called "Two Spirit", produced by PBS. We would like to pay our respect for the life and memory of Twin Spirit Dineh/Navajo Fred Martinez Jr. with a song from one of his favorite singers Beyonce.


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